Чупакабра вызывает волнение в Чили
Less than three weeks after the reported capture of three Chupacabras at the Radomiro Tomic mine nea Calama, a new wave of Chupacabra incidents swept Chile.
On Sunday, June 4, 2000, during the early morning hours, a Chupacabra slaughtered 14 chickens in a back yard in Talcahuano, a port city 8 kilometers (5 miles) north of Concepcion, which was the site of many Chuapcabra incidents during May.

On Wednesday, June 7, 2000, at 4 a.m., another Chupacabra attack took place in the barrio Villa Nonguen, in the city of Concepcion, which is located 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Santiago de Chile, the national capital.

According to the newspaper Diario El Sur, "the strange case took place yesterday (June 7) around 4 a.m. while Julio Reyes and his wife, Carmen Andrade, were still asleep. They suddenly heard a loud noise coming from their home's back yard, a kind of small farm in which they have a henhouse" and a garden containing tomato, potato, chocla and pepper plants.

"'The light outside the henhouse was on. I saw the monster flapping his wings fiercely while the hens were crowing--something they never do at this time. That's when I saw the white one running toward the back. At this time, Bobby (the family's terrier watchdog)--J.T.) came out to take a look, but when he saw the back gate, through which the hens had fled, he refused to follow and remained standing still. He then ran toward the street gate and began barking,' explained Carmen, who did not witness the events herself out of fear that the intruder might be a burglar."

"'Bobby became sort of dopey and turned back. He didn't dare go forward,' Julio said."

"Around 7 a.m., the couple discovered what had transpired. In the very rear of the backyard--which can only be reached by crossing two gates--their three hens and one rooster were found dead, completely torn to shreds, as if they had been ripped open at the chest cavity and scattered in a 10-meter (33-foot) radius. It is worth noting that the house's entrance is a gate covered with chicken wire."

As with the other recent cases, the Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) attributed the animal deaths to a roving pack of wild dogs. But Julio Reyes doesn't buy that explanation.

"However, based on several paw prints found on the site, twice the size of Bobby's, the owner was not satisfied with the explanation, given the difficulty a dog would have had in getting into the area."

"'No, this is completely abnormal. You see, last year there was a dog who'd appear during the day and steal chickens that would stray into the street. But that's what he did. He stole them and ate them one by one. The very same thing happened in the fields. Every time a dog made off with a chicken, it would take them one by one,' stated Julio Reyes, who added that nothing similar had ever occurred in his house, and he has been raising poultry for 25 years."

"There were also large prints in the surrounding area--the soil is soft and moist--which appeared to be those of a dog differing in that they were unrelated to each other and did not follow the sequence of footprints."

On Friday, June 9, 2000, at 11:45 a.m., Chile's Radio Pudahuel, 90.5 FM received a phone call from Antofagasta, a large city 500 kilometers (300 miles) north of Santiago de Chile. The caller wanted to speak woth Pablo Aguilera, the popular talk-show host, whose broadcast was then on the air. The caller reported a recent Chupacabra attack in the city of Antofagasta.

Accordiung to the caller, the witness "says he was asleep in his bedroom, and the cat started making noises, waking him up. That's when they saw the alleged Chupacabra. He says that when it saw them, the creature took off at high speed. He says it destroyed their car. It Killed it. It killed the cat."

Afterward, the witness reportedly found deep scratches, "made by its claws," in the doors and fenders of his car "It used some sort of claws to scratch the vehicle."

"They were told that they must remain quiet about the situation, if they want to get a new car in exchange for the destroyed one," the caller said, "Iff they speak to the press, they won't be given a new car. They'll be stuck with the one they have."

On Monday, June 12, 2000, a coalition of Chilean UFO groups went to the Ministry of Defense in Santiago "to investigate the alleged responsibility of NASA, the USA space agency, in the manifestations of the so-called 'Chupacabras which has caused the deaths of hundreds of domestic animals in the country."

"''Many people agree that they have seen a kind of ape or mandrill with humanoid features and with very large eyes which moves very quickly and in a zigzagging manner,' said Cristian Riffo, director of the Ovalvision group."

At a news conference on Sunday, June 11, 2000, Riffo cited the persistent reports of the capture of the three Chupacabras in the desert near Calama. ""For this reeason, Riffo stated that they will go to the Ministry of Defense to demand a clarification of these events. They will also ask the (Chilean) Army if the accounts of the death of a soldier during the capture of one of the creatures is indeed true." (See the newspapers Cronica for June 5, 2000 and Diario El Sur for June 8 and June 11, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, auto de los libros, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico y tambien Gloria Coluchi, Lucy Guzman y Patricia Borlone Rojas para esas historias.)

Volume 5
Number 24
June 15, 2000
Editor: Joseph Trainor
Категория: Чупакабра | Добавил: Ufogid (29.06.2010)
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